Tuesday, December 23, 2008

23 Things- Thing 4

Flickr is really cool. I can see this being used in the school setting to show off student work and to share design ideas. You could also have student create videos and post them to share with fellow classmates and teachers. As teachers, we can create instruction videos and post them for the students to view as they are doing assignments. Especially for those students that get home and forget what they are suppose to do. You could even post the video of your lesson that you taught in the classroom each day for those students that were absent. This is a neat piece of technology.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts about using visuals with your kids. I found, in my practice, that by using appropriate visuals INSTEAD OF TEXT, my students understanding of the concept we talked about accelerated remarkably. I take my digital camera everywhere with me, and take pictures of things all the time that I can use in my classrooms.
