Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thing 16 - Teach Digital

These were great videos that you had us watch. The college students in the first video were correct. We are teaching these students in outdated ways and trying to prepare them for jobs that don't even exist. Obviously the education system and the ways in which we teach must change. It will be difficult, but it can be done. Many schools lack funding for updating technology and if they do have the technology in buildings, it is under utilized. In the economy that we are in, it will be hard for school systems to institute the technology that these kids need for future jobs, let alone meet all the criteria for NCLB. Kids need to be able to express their individuality and be creative. I love it when students in my class choose to come up with an alternative to the assignments I give, as long as they are covering the information that is being taught. The one true lesson that we should be teaching students is how to be a problem solver. If student can learn to think things through and know how to access and apply information, then there is no stopping them in the future. This one lesson opens up endless possibilities for students. This is my major goal in my tech classes. Robinson was correct, we too often cut creativity out of the education process. I agree. Let them explore and find their niche.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wise beyond your years. Alternate assignments, wow. But NCLB and creativity are difficult partners!
    I am creating an online class via Moodle because I couldn't see a good way of doing it with wiki. Ideas always welcome, check it out:

    Oops, should edit before posting!
