Sunday, December 21, 2008

23 things- Thing 3

I have always considered myself a life-long learner. I always like to try new things and explore. After viewing the voice threads of the 7 1/2 traits of a life-long learner, I have to say that the hardest trait for me is habit 7 "Teach/Mentor Others." The reason I say this is because I love to learn things, but however a lot of times I don't ever share with others the knowledge that I have. When people have problems that I know how to fix, I like to just fix them and move on rather than taking the time to impart the wisdom I have to the learner. If I would take the time and share, they may be able to fix that problem themselves next time. Maybe I don't share because I want them to comeback. Maybe it is self gratifying! What's wrong with me! I would say that the easiest habit for me would be Habit 3: "View problems as Challenges." I love challenges and I love to attempt new things. I know they can be hard, but it pushes me to learn and seek knowledge. This is one reason why I do construction. If I wasn't a teacher, I would be a builder. Everyday in teaching and in building you face challenges and it's your job to solve those challenges. I love remodels for this reason. It also really neat when you see a child succeed (Light Bulb go off in their head) or a job is completed. To get better at habit 7, I need to slow down and take the time to reach out to others and share experiences. This class should help in that regard because we are sharing with other colleagues.


  1. I agree with your comment about how cool it is to see a student succeed and to see "the light bulb go off in their head". That's the best part about education.

  2. I can see what you mean about simply trying to fix others' problems rather than teaching them how to do it themselves. It's usually so much easier that way, and when it comes to troubleshooting and stuff like that I do the same thing.
